Esposa de Rob Van Dam está com câncer

quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2008

Rob Van Dam anunciou hoje em sua página oficial do MySpace que sua esposa, Sonya, está com um câncer no colo do útero. RVD disse que sua esposa vinha se queixando de dores estomacais, e sofrendo bastante cólicas.

Rob Van Dam também disse que não esperava este tipo de notícia, já que fizeram vários testes e nada foi detectado e como o problema continuava, tiveram que fazer um teste de colonoscopia e o resultado foi da descoberta do câncer.

RVD se diz confiante na recuperação da esposa e no próximo final de semana tem uma cirurgia marcada para a tentativa de retirada do tumor. Rob agradeceu a todos que estão dando força e rezando pela sua esposa e que logo esse assunto triste será uma coisa do passado.

Segue a baixo o que RVD disse em seu blog (em inglês):

"One good thing about spreading positive energy and encouraging an optimistic approach to life- when it comes time to get a taste of my own medicine, it's good. Still, it may not be fun to be put to the test. It may be quite unpleasant.After thinking of several ways to put this, I decided to give it to you straight- just like we got it. After months of chasing down the origin of stomach cramps, we got the news that Sonya has cancer in her colon. Obviously, this was not something we wanted to hear, and were not at all prepared for it. This is the kind of thing that we hear about happening to other people. Us? Really?I'm sure that a lot of you realize that cancer is way too common. In fact, I know that many of you are all too familiar with what we are experiencing.This is very personal and I understand if you would choose to keep it on the down-low. One of Sonya's first thoughts was that if she could have colon cancer (being a 32 year old, lean, active, and healthy eating female that barely hits 3 digits on the weight scale), "We need to tell everyone it could be them!"Months of testing showed nothing of this nature. The blood tests and everything else they did could not detect the cancer until the dreaded colonoscopy. Sonya wants everyone to know that you HAVE to get checked. We found a huge research center where we are getting this taken care of. They have a lot of information about the subject, in case you might be searching City of Hope.Keep in mind, this is curable and Sonya has surgery scheduled for the end of the week to get this thing taken out. We're totally kicking its ass. We got this.We know that we have a lot of people praying and sending positive energy, and we appreciate it. Keep it up. And don't tell Sonya's dad, if you know him. We'll do it when the time is right.This will soon be a thing of the past. Sonya is amazingly strong and ready to fight. This will be a squash match!Anyone wondering what we're up's this. Nothing else matters.I'll update you soon.
Take care of yourselves.
Enjoy life.

1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Força para os dois e que consigam superar td isso


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